Brussels and Washington have reached an agreement on imports of hormone-free beef into the European Union (EU), ending an old dispute. The European Commission has announced in a press release that it has informed its member on June 7 of the "favorable outcome" of the negotiations to review the operation of an existing quota for the importation of hormone-free beef into the EU.
On the basis of a mandate from the European Council, the Commission has reached an agreement with the United States and other major supplier countries that "35 000 tonnes of this quota will be allocated to the United States over a period of seven years', the balance being reserved for other exporters.
"Thanks to the favorable outcome of the negotiations, the Commission has settled a very important issue with a major trading partner with whom we are engaged in wider trade negotiations," said Agriculture Commissioner Phil Hogan in his announcement. The EU reaffirms its commitment to begin a new phase in its relations with the United States, in accordance with the agreement reached in July 2018 between Presidents Juncker and Trump.
The Commissioner also recalled that the agreement "will not entail any change in the quantity, quality and safety of beef imported into the EU", which will remain "in line with the high standards of the European Union.
An argue that has lasted for thirty years
This agreement puts an end to a long-standing dispute in the World Trade Organization (WTO). In 1988, Europe banned all imports of beef from animals raised with growth hormones. In retaliation, Washington decided to impose high tariffs on a series of European agricultural products among which French local products such as Roquefort or truffle. Sanctions, validated by the WTO, put in force in 1999.
Ten years later, in 2009, the EU and the United States concluded a memorandum of understanding, revised in 2014, which provided for an interim solution to this dispute in the WTO regarding the use of certain growth hormones in beef production. Under the agreement, a quota of 45,000 tonnes of non-hormone-treated beef was opened by Brussels for eligible suppliers, including the United States.
An agreement could be reached in the coming months
Following this conclusion which satisfied both parties and "complies with the rules of the WTO,". The Commission will present legislative proposals to the European Council to authorize its signature and conclude the agreement with the European Member States.